Eva Research Platform
Data collection made easy
Fast, simple set up
Set up a research study in 30 mins with our self-serve platform. We put you in full control of your study
Distribute your study app for participants
Send link via email or SMS to participants to download Eva Research and onboard into your study
Comprehensive functionality
eConsent, eCOA, ePRO, remote monitoring in app; use notifications and content to engage with your study cohort
Transparent pricing, ethical business model
Anybody can set up a study with Eva for free and we price our service to promote access to research tools for all. You own your data.
Partner and client researchers
"Drug Science is pleased to partner with Alta Flora on clinical data collection. Our pioneering work in collecting Real-World Evidence (RWE) is central to our strategy of building an evidence base that will drive policy change. Our partnership with Alta Flora provides valuable insights for our researchers, enabling us to do this more effectively and with greater impact."
David Badcock, CEO Drug Science
The healthcare research revolution is happening
We put patient and researcher on the same side of the table so that they can do their best together
Historically, research has excluded groups of people which has resulted in healthcare inequity. We must attract underrepresented groups to participate in clinical research
Get your research study started in under 30 mins. Enhance study retention and engagement to deliver better results
As wearables and genomics data become more accessible, connect your study to other sources of data for deeper insights
Eva Research Workflow
Seamless features integration
Start a new study
Set-up a new study in 4 steps, starting with the study details.
Add questionnaires
Choose from 2 options:
Standardised questionnaires | Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
Custom questionnaires with a variety of template questions.
Set up participant data collection schedule
Define when and how you’d like to notify participants that a questionnaire is due
Add in other data sources as they come online (wearables, genomics, biomarkers)
Distribute your mobile app to study participants
Study participants will receive an email or SMS with a link to download Eva Research for your study
The Eva Research mobile app for study participants
Study participants fill in responses to questionnaires through a mobile app on their phone
Onboarding and consent
Researchers define onboarding journey and eConsent in order to inform, educate, and retain study participants
Automated follow-up
Boost study retention by implementing regular communications with study participants